all over the jdbc realm samples I grabbed on the web shown a db script
like that:
create table usertable(userid varchar(10) not null, password
varchar(32) not null, primary key(userid));
create table grouptable(userid varchar(10) not null, groupid
varchar(20) not null, primary key(userid));
alter table grouptable add constraint FK_USERID foreign key(userid)
references usertable(userid);
I was wondering how to create JPA entities to model such tables
without restricting 1 user to pertain to only 1 group ..
my last attempt (using this code, I am restricted to only 1 to 1 userXgroup:
@Table(name = "USERTABLE")
public class PujUserRef extends AbstractArenaEntity {
private String login;
@Table(name = "GROUPTABLE")
public class PujGroupEntity extends AbstractArenaEntity {
@JoinColumn(table = "USERTABLE", referencedColumnName = "LOGIN",
unique = false)
private String login;
@Column(name = "GROUPID", nullable = false)
private String groupId;
Looking for a client application for this service: