glassfish started during hudson job is killed/exits after build/hudson job is done?

From: Alex Sherwin <>
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 00:32:48 -0400

Setting up hudson to do continuous integration, on a fairly complex
build process, which runs a bunch of shell scripts. One of the shell
scripts starts a glassfish domain that the build will be deployed to,
which works fine. However, once the entire hudson job completes, I'm
assuming it must be killing a user/shell session, and at that point
the glassfish process it started has died.

I've tried starting glassfish similarly to hudson like so:

/bin/bash -xe /path/to/my/

After existing the su shell session, the glassfish domain is still
running (as it should be). is hudson explicitly killing processes
that it has started?

Does anyone know how to prevent this from happening?

hudson is running on glassfish, and the server is Solaris 10 on SPARC

Alexander Sherwin