Re: [Jersey] Re: question about _at_Local access in EAR file

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Sun, 09 Aug 2009 19:49:53 +0200

Hi Felipe,
You'll need an ejb-local-ref in web.xml to inject the local version
(assuming that's the question).
Local and remote do not share the same semantics.

On Aug 9, 2009, at 19:36, Felipe Gaścho wrote:

> problem is: I am using Jersey.. and it seems to work only with the
> remote interface..
> from the Sandoz example:
> /** @author paulsandoz */
> @Path("web")
> public class WebRootResource {
> @EJB private SessionBeanRemote sessionBeanLocal;
> Question: why he named the reference as "sessionBeanLocal" if the
> interface used is the remote one ??
> is there any Jersey or Glassfish trick that lookup remote interfaces
> locally when the resource is in the same application ?
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