Thank you very much guys.
I tried this:
<img src="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/images/eah_banner_logo.gif" height="83" width="90" border="0">
It can find the context path. It is good.
However it still cannot display the image. The interesting thing is that when the same login jsp is deployed on IBM WebSphere server it works fine and can display the image. But the same login jsp cannot display the image when deployed on GlassFish server.
I found the difference of deployed structures between GlassFish and WebSphere:
The root war file structure is AISWeb.
On the WebSphere it is deployed as AISWeb.war
On the GlassFish it is deployed as AISWeb_war.
I am not sure this causes the problem or not.
I am guessing it is because the GlassFish server cannot find the source of the image file.
I tried to find a example of form-based login jsp with an image. But I could not find anyone.
Would you provide me a example of form-based login jsp with an image?
Thanks a lot.
[Message sent by forum member 'henryliu' (henryliu)]