I'm looking for some information and words of wisdom to help drive the choice we are going to make fairly immediately on Servlet containers for a new important project.
The last Servlet project I ran was on GF2 and we had a number of issues. The chief issue was that there were bugs and the only answer we coudl get was "thats fixed in GF3." There seemed to be no effort or interest in backporting fixes to GF2. BUT GF3 was incomplete. In specific we required clustering which GF3 didn't support yet.
The result was the classic squeeze between a rock and hard place.
I'd *like* to use Glassfish again. in many ways is my preferred platform, but I need some answers to a few questions:
(1) Is clustering working yet in GF3? Because again its a key component to this product.
(2) What is the team's committment to supporting GF3? How long can I assume I have before I start hearing "Oh, thats fixed in GF4..."
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