Glassfish JVM path settings

From: <>
Date: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 07:43:52 PDT

Hi ,

I am trying to setup OpenSSO running on Glassfish v2. I have a custom jar file containing a class which I want to load. According to the documentation I am supposed to add this to the JVM classpath on Glassfish.

I've set ${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/lib/custom.jar in Classpath Suffix, and the code seems to get executed up till a certain point.

However, my code is referencing another class from Sun and that's why I get a ClassDefNotFound error. There is a Sun jar file that contains the classes I need, but when I add that to the Classpath Suffix as well (separated by ${path.separator} ), OpenSSO is not working anymore (the requested resource is not available).

How can I get my code and the referenced classes working?

Thanks in advance! Kind regards, Hilco
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