RE: How to start the server with a disabled HTTP listener

From: <>
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2009 14:56:42 -0300

If you have a default GlassFish install with just the server instance then
you only really have a DAS that you happen to deploy your apps to.


Domain Administration Server (DAS). The DAS, a fully functional Java EE 5
server instance, facilitates administration for the Domain. All
administrative operations (e.g. initiated via the CLI, GUI, NetBeans IDE,
and other tools) are routed to the DAS rather than to server instances
directly. For aggregate operations that encompass more than one server
instance, the DAS will be responsible for broadcasting administration
requests to instances. DAS is able to administer instances running on
remote hosts. When the DAS is not running administative operations are not
possible. No special efforts are made to make the DAS highly available
except for simple watchdog and restart capability. Instances and clusters
in the domain can function normally even if the DAS is not running.

Administrative Client Applications (CLI, JSR 77, AMX). Administrative
clients include the asadmin CLI (command line interface) utility, and
modules that plug into the Studio. These applications reside either inside
or outside the firewall and communicate exclusively with the Domain Admin
Server (and not server instances directly). All application deployment
makes use of the JSR 88 APIs. Configuration and application deployment are
done exclusively via JMX MBeans (some of which are standardized by JSR
77). These clients clients use JSR160 JMX connectors to access the DAS. To
cross firewalls, the protocol of choice implemented in the connector is
HTTP(S). There is also an MBEan interface called AMX that exposes all the
functionality through API.

Martin Gainty <>
Users <>
08/04/2009 02:46 PM
RE: How to start the server with a disabled HTTP listener

Mssr Power:

could you explain what DAS is.. and how it is used (or not) in this

Martin Gainty
United Health Group 2002-2003
deNovis Medical Systems 2004-2005
Curaspan~the eDischarge Company 2006
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Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2009 13:32:50 -0300
Subject: Re: How to start the server with a disabled HTTP listener

It shouldn't be hard to catch the INIT or STARTUP life cycle event, but if
you are using a single instance of Glassfish then you don't have an
operational DAS for your AMX calls to contact and update. Also I believe
that if the HTTP listener was enabled in the configuration then even if
you had a DAS for your AMX calls to connect to it wouldn't be able to stop
the listener from starting since the container doesn't seem to get updates
from the DAS during the INIT and STARTUP stages of it's lifecycle.

But if it is possible I'd also like to know how to get it to work.


08/04/2009 01:16 PM
Re: How to start the server with a disabled HTTP listener

Thanks for the answer, but I want to avoid hacking the domain.xml.

I would like to implement the LifeCycleListener interface and on the
startup event,
get hold of the DomainRoot and disable the http listener using AMX.

How do I access the AMX DomainRoot from [i]inside[/i] of the Glassfish
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