display data from entity into a Jtextarea

From: Eve Pokua <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 19:09:17 +0100

Hello everyone,


How do I display data I am retrieving from the entity into a Jtextarea?


Here is how I am doing it:


in the main class of the application client, I set up a method

which stores the remote interface so I can call the method

anyway of my application.


public class Main extends javax.swing.JFrame {


            private static BRemote bRemote;



       //accessor method

        static BRemote getBRemote() {
              return bRemote;


      // I can out the method to request data


      public void findB(String bal){








The searesttxta is the JTextArea.


the data I get is folder._BRemote_Wrapper_at_3ce08241


So, how do I get the display the entity in the textarea?










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