Thank you Matt.
I know about the transaction exception because I catch it within my web application, and I am able to see them in the Glassfish log file. I explain:
The client-side is a web application with this code
try {
InvoiceClass invoice = remoteEJB.persistInvoice( newInvoice );
catch ( Exception ex ){
logger( Level.INFO, "Error" + ex.getMessage(); )
The server-side is a stateless session bean implementing remote interface
public InvoiceClass persistInvoice( InvoiceClass newInvoice){
try {
entitiManager.persist( newInvoice );
} catch( Exception ex ){
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Error Persisting Invoice:" + ex.getMesssage() );
I am testing the log on the EJB, so I send on purpose a newInvoice object that will cause a databaseException because of a duplicate key.
After sending the object, I am able to catch the RemoteException at the client-side, but not at the server-side, because the log message "Error persisting invoice" does not show in the Glassfish log file.
I don´t know what I am missing.
Additionally, I am trying to catch the DatabaseException message, but looks that it is not possible within Container Managed Transaction.
Thank you.
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