RE: Bug Fixing, Support, German Laws, etc... (was: GLASSFISH IS LAME)

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 16:05:42 -0400

i guess that depends on your definition of 'defect'

what marcus is suggesting is that the process of prioritisation of bugs as well as bug assignment should be discussed by the OSS community..a forum similar to a bundestag or american congress where there would be open discussion for a full the next day on should the bug be addressed..and whether to branch the patch or release affected classes into next point rel
Also there would be a vote on who the bug gets assigned to (approved by majority of committers)
and their should be an overseer so that if the guy assigned decides to go on vaca for a month the overseer
will become responsible for implementing the patch within the promised timeline
i agree this will slow the cycle of OpenDiscussion-BugVote-CodeBug-UAT-integration-acceptance cycle but this would allow the OSS community to have input

i subscribe to another apache group that had a clear security bug assigned..the individual auto-assigned doesnt
have the right skillset to get the job done..with the end result the patch will take upwards of a week or 2 instead of a day/2day
the client requesting the sec patch has specific needs and will probably fail the patch with the end result that a month
will go by before this *not so poor* client will gethis security patch
Lastly Unit tests should be included in the patch distribution to determine validity of functional,unit,regression and integration capabilities of the patch

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> Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 11:01:14 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Bug Fixing, Support, German Laws, etc... (was: GLASSFISH IS LAME)
> Hi Markus.
> You and I exchanged emails on this general topic a week ago but others
> may need additional background to understand your perspective on bug
> fixing and support, so, trying to capture that in a couple of paragraphs...
> Markus' context is that there are laws in Germany that require consumer
> products to be free of defects. He interprets that to say that a
> customer of a software product must be given free fixes for all
> "critical" bugs in the product. Sun includes that in our commercial,
> for-fee, GlassFish offering, but Markus says it should apply to the free
> distribution also. Sun commits to push all commercial bug fixes to the
> next free/public distribution, but the isolated, sustaining bug fixes
> are not available _separately_ before that.
> It is a bit more complicated than that, and IANAL, etc, but I think that
> gives some background.
> There is also a separate topic about what is a P1; I think that needs to
> be addressed better.
> From our perspective, much of this boils down to different ways to
> balance the needs of Sun, who is contributing many people to deliver
> GlassFish, with the needs of non-paying users, paying customers, and
> developers and partners.
> There are other ways of balancing things. RedHat, Covalent, MySQL,
> JasperSoft, etc, etc, they all use different mechanisms to balance the
> needs of all these stakeholders.
> So far, I think most people in the GlassFish community have been happy
> with the tradeoffs we have been following: we have been delivering free
> good quality releases in a regular fashion, while building the next
> generation v3 product and providing "support" to users and customers.
> The last few months have been a bit extra tricky with summer, Oracle,
> JavaOne, etc, but hopefully we are getting back to our normal cycles.
> Hope this helps,
> - eduard/o
> Markus Karg wrote:
> >> Do you have any idea what open source stands for?
> >> I am a long time believer in open source. And I have nothing against
> >> paying for support on open source products that actually show promise.
> >
> > I think nobody has a problem with paying good money for good support. But with GlassFish's P1 bugs it is different. Those bug reports have been investigated in long and expensive research by the users (they did not get money for that from Sun or anybody else), and it should be fair that those users get the bug fix for free, too. I do not see bug fixing as a "support".
> >
> > Regards
> > Markus
> >
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