Windows upgrade required for GF 2.1.1 b23 and higher

From: Ed Bratt <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 18:34:06 -0700

This note only pertains to GlassFish 2.1.1, promoted build users who run

With the latest weekly promoted build of GlassFish 2.1.1 (build 23),
Windows users must ensure that they have installed the 2008 version of
Microsoft c-runtime libraries. This runtime redistributable package
installer is available for all supported versions of Microsoft Windows.
Please read the notice from Microsoft:

Here is a brief FAQ:

Which versions of Windows need this upgrade?
All Windows versions must have this runtime library installed.

How can I tell if I need to upgrade anything?
You can use Windows Search to see if the file "msvcr90" is present on
your system. If it is found, no further upgrade is necessary.

Why is this upgrade required?
This upgrade is required as a consequence of upgrading to the latest
version of Microsoft Visual Studio c++ to build the released product.
The new compiler was a requirement for including of a newer version of
Mozilla NSS / NSPR in Open MQ. If you have the latest version of this
compiler, your system will most likely already be upgraded.

Where can I get help?
If you experience problems with Open MQ, please post messages to