Change HTTP SSL default certificate

From: Michele Antonecchia <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2009 13:21:47 +0200


i need to to expose WS (OpenESB service) over HTTPS protocol with ad hoc SSL
To do this I want to change s1as default certificate with my own.

To insert new certificate into GF I have:
 * created a test CS certificate and imported into
{$domain}/config/cacerts.jks with alias testca
 * created my new certificate, signed by test CA, and imported into
{$domain}/config/keystore.jks with servertest alias.
 * added jvm option to server
 * restarted the server

After that I could be deploying my app as a ESB Composite App.
I hit the little key on the SOAP BC in the CASA editor,
Hit "Server Configuration"
enable "Secure Service"
disable "Use development defaults"
but Keystore button is disable as you can
see from attached screenshot.

I guess that is a GlassFish issue or I'm missing some configuration.


(image/png attachment: OpeneESB_SSL.PNG)