Help with the Java EE 6 training courses and certifications

From: Roberto Chinnici <Roberto.Chinnici_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 10:18:51 -0700


We are in the process of updating the training and certification
materials for Java EE 6.

We've done the first part of the job in collecting and analyzing the
tasks that a Java EE developer may be expected to perform as part of
his/her duties. Now we'd like to solicit feedback from developers to
help us validate this material.

For this purpose, we created five surveys, one per technology area (JSF,
Servlets & JSP, Web Services, JPA, EJB). We'd much appreciate if you
could go this URL and take one or more of the surveys, as appropriate
for your experience:

There is no need to log in, but we'd appreciate being able to contact
you for any follow-ups.

The survey is remarkably short and compact. You just need to tell us how
often you are asked to perform certain tasks, how difficult you find
them to be, how important they are for your job and how much training
you think is required to learn to perform them. You can also provide us
with comments on any objectives you would like to see added or removed
from the list of objectives.

The deadline for the survey is July 31st, so please take a minute to do
them today. Also, please tell other developers you may know (coworkers,
friends, etc.). The broader the response we get, the better tuned the
resulting training and certification materials will be.
