RE: Dissapointed

From: Adam Jenkins <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 12:43:03 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks for the feedback Martin, I appreciate it, and all your other assistance on this. I'll have a look through those links today after I test Open Solaris and another couple of Linux distros. Hopefully I won't have to change anything other than the underlying operating system which would be an incredible win. --- On Tue, 14/7/09, Martin Gainty <> wrote: > From: Martin Gainty <> > Subject: RE: Dissapointed > To: "Users" <> > Received: Tuesday, 14 July, 2009, 9:52 PM > > > > #yiv1109226396 .hmmessage P > { > margin:0px;padding:0px;} > #yiv1109226396 { > font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} > > > > mg>hopefully quick comments > > > Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2009 18:56:06 -0700 > > From: > > To: > > Subject: Re: Dissapointed > > > > WOOHOOOOOO! These bugs are linux only!!!!!! > > > > Dies, you're a legend, it didn't even occur to > me to test Windows to see if it worked...I just assumed > platform independence meant it would be the same...but I > confirmed it works fine on windows. > > > > I have the day off tomorrow, so I might try another > Linux distro and also try open solaris in a virtual machine > and see if it's a *nix bug, or if it's just a Linux > bug. > > > > I've stalled a JBoss migration pending > investigation into moving to Unix or a different linux > distro! > > > > Thanks so much for your assistance with this. > > > > --- On Mon, 13/7/09, Dies Koper > <> wrote: > > > > > From: Dies Koper > <> > > > Subject: Re: Dissapointed > > > To: > > > Received: Monday, 13 July, 2009, 2:20 PM > > > Please do let us know if you can > > > reproduce the issue on GFv2.1 + Windows > > > and GFv2.1.1 (latest build) on Ubuntu. > > > > > > Adam Jenkins wrote: > > > > Technically you could run an SSB in your web > tier, but > > > that causes > > > > two problems > > > > > > > > 1) Seperation of concerns would be > violated...from a > > > design point of > > > > view that's not great...I mean, if I was > going to > > > bleed between > > > > layers like that I might as well drop EJBs > all > > > together and just pull > > > > directly from the database into objects. > mg>this definition from Hans Donner > mg>DTO is to be used to transfer data (whole chunks of > it), so only one > object needs to mg>be transferred instead of multiple > smaller ones. > > mg>VO are objects that only hold a readonly value. The > example I've > seen used in a book mg>(I though it was Beck) was A > money(bag) object. > It's created with a value. If money mg>is added, a > new instance is > returned instead of an updated one. > mg> > > > > > > > > > 2) You're not supposed to write to a > file from an SSB > > > (good 'ol > > > > fashioned EJB specification constraints), > since it's a > > > distributed > > > > system. > mg>you're not supposed to write SSB but people do > this all the time..take a look at tc mg>users list > mg>the container is supposed to write a serialised > representation of object on mg>ejbPassivate and read back > serialised object when ejbActivate is called..entity and > mg>stateless beans remain in pool > mg> > > > > > > > > > The closest you could come (and still not > violate the > > > spec) is to > > > > have your EJB call a web service which then > generated > mg>think twice about increasing network latency > introduced from a SOA call > mg>then again if your pathping call to SOA in next room > is under 1 sec this may well be mg>effort > > > > the includes, > > > > but that's just a complete cludge and > pretty > > > messy.  Ultimately, this > > > > isn't a problem with using a timer, even > if I went to > > > something like > > > > Quartz I'd still have the same > problem.  This is > > > a problem with > > > > RMI/IIOP between a web/ejb tier. > mg>notice how many sys-admins avoid the problem by not > implementing iiop? > > mg> This same error > > > happens from > > > > ServletContextListeners > mg>generally events make a local reference so theres no > latency/timeout issues here > mg> > >  HttpSessionListeners > mg>generally handled by acceptor threads for > http-listener-1 in /config/domain.xml > mg>--acceptorthreads > mg>number of acceptor threads for the listen socket. The > recommended value is the mg>number of processors in the > machine. > mg> > > mg>grand kudos on narrowing the conditions that cause > the error! > mg>martin gainty > > > > not related to > > > > the timer at all > > > > > > > > > > > > --- On Mon, 13/7/09, Dies Koper > <> > > > wrote: > > > > > > > >> From: Dies Koper > <> > > > Subject: Re: > > > >> Dissapointed To: > > > > Received: Monday, 13 > > > >> July, 2009, 1:47 PM Hi Adam, > > > >> > > > >> Can't an EJB Timer running in your > "web" tier do > > > anything your > > > >> java.util.TimerTask can, maybe better > because it > > > uses container > > > >> managed call-backs? > > > >> > > > >> Regards, Dies > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> Adam Jenkins wrote: > > > >>> I can't use an EJB Timer for > this particular > > > problem > > > >> as it involves > > > >>> generating reports, that then get > served from > > > a jsp > > > >> c:import.  So it > > > >>> generates a range of reports > directly into the > > > web > > > >> directory.  This > > > >>> is done because the pages are too > big to > > > serve > > > >> directly (large > > > >>> reports)...since it's on the web > tier not the > > > ejb tier > > > >> it has to be a > > > >>> timer. > > > >>> > > > >>> > > > >>> --- On Mon, 13/7/09, Dies Koper > <> > > > >> wrote: > > > >>>> From: Dies Koper > <> > > > >> Subject: Re: > > > >>>> Dissapointed To: > > > > >> Received: Monday, 13 > > > >>>> July, 2009, 10:53 AM Hi Adam, > > > >>>> > > > >>>>> I have two instances, under > the > > > management of > > > >> one node > > > >>>> > > > >>>>> that what you mean by > 'clusters', or > > > have you > > > >> set up > > > >>>> something else > > > >>>>> that I missed...this might > be the > > > problem. > > > >>>> When I use GlassFish in cluster > mode (i.e. > > > with a > > > >> node agent), I > > > >>>> create a cluster with in it an > instance > > > ("asadmin > > > >> create-cluster > > > >>>> cl1" followed by > "asadmin create-instance > > > -cluster > > > >> . I've never > > > >>>> used "single" > instances that are not > > > assigned to a > > > >> cluster (except > > > >>>> for the DAS server of course). > But I > > > suppose that > > > >> should not > > > >>>> matter? > > > >>>> > > > >>>> Also, I'm still wondering > about your use > > > of a > > > >> java.util.Timer > > > >>>> instead of an EJB Timer. If you > can > > > somehow > > > >> rewrite your > > > >>>> application to use an EJB Timer > instead, > > > you'd be > > > >> using a pattern > > > >>>> that more other users would be > using, so > > > less risk > > > >> of running into > > > >>>> new bugs. Can't you deploy a > simple SLSB > > > with your > > > >> web application (so in the > "web1" instance) with > > > an EJB Timer > > > >> callback method that > > > >>>> polls the application in your > > > "enterprise1" > > > >> instance? > > > >>>> Regards, Dies > > > >>>> > > > >>>> > > > >>>> Adam Jenkins wrote: > > > >>>>> Cheers Dies for looking > into > > > this.  I'll > > > >> try > > > >>>> reducing the timer to > > > >>>>> one minute and see what > happens. > > > >>>>> > > > >>>>> A few things that may assist > us in a > > > >> differential > > > >>>> diagnosis. > > > >>>>> Linux vs Window - I notice > you're on > > > windows, > > > >> I'm on > > > >>>> ubuntu...I'm > > > >>>>> going to try this on window > tonight > > > and see if > > > >> the > > > >>>> problem persists > > > >>>>> JMS Remote vs Local -- I > tried Remote > > > today > > > >> and still > > > >>>> got the > > > >>>>> problem, so that rules out > that. > > > >>>>> > > > >>>>> I have two instances, under > the > > > management of > > > >> one node > > > >>>> > > > >>>>> that what you mean by > 'clusters', or > > > have you > > > >> set up > > > >>>> something else > > > >>>>> that I missed...this might > be the > > > problem. > > > >>>>> > > > >>>>> I still get the error with a > timeout > > > down to > > > >> 60 > > > >>>> I think > > > >>>>> it may be one of the > above...hopefully > > > it's > > > >> something > > > >>>> as simple as > > > >>>>> needing a new version, or > windows v > > > linux. > > > >>>>> > > > >>>>> Thanks for the feedback, > it's opened > > > up new > > > >> avenues > > > >>>> for > > > >>>>> investigation, hopefully I > can stall > > > for a few > > > >> more > > > >>>> days because I'd > > > >>>>> really love to go into > production with > > > gf. > > > >>>>> > > > >>>>> --- On Sun, 12/7/09, Dies > Koper <> > > > >>>> wrote: > > > >>>>>> From: Dies Koper > <> > > > >>>> Subject: Re: > > > >>>>>> Dissapointed To: > > > > >>>> Received: Sunday, 12 > > > >>>>>> July, 2009, 4:35 PM Hi > Adam, > > > >>>>>> > > > >>>>>> I have deployed the > application to > > > the > > > >> latest > > > >>>> promoted build of GF > > > >>>>>> V2.1.1, and I did not > see any > > > error > > > >> messages. > > > >>>>>> This is my environment: > - > > > >> > glassfish-installer-v2.1.1-b22-windows.jar - > > > >>>> JDK1.5 - JMS broker in > > > >>>>>> REMOTE mode - used > "localhost" for > > > the > > > >> host name > > > >>>> in the corbaname, > > > >>>>>> with the same port you > used. > > > >>>>>> > > > >>>>>> I used two different > clusters for > > > the two > > > >>>> instances. I commented > > > >>>>>> out your injection of > the > > > >> jms/PrepareReports into > > > >>>> a java.util.Queue > > > >>>>>> to get rid of those > unrelated > > > error > > > >> messages. > > > >>>>>> I wonder whether our fix > for issue > > > 8350 > > > >> is > > > >>>> related. > > > >>>> > > > > >>>> > > > >>>>>> I hope this information > helps you > > > and > > > >> others > > > >>>> pinpoint what could be > > > >>>>>> causing the problems > you've seen. > > > >>>>>> > > > >>>>>> I also reduced your > timer period > > > to a 1 > > > >> minute > > > >>>> interval, and see no > > > >>>>>> IIOP timeouts even after > 20 calls. > > > I did > > > >> see the > > > >>>> following IIOP > > > >>>>>> warning about a minute > before the > > > EJB > > > >> invocations > > > >>>> started: > > > >> > > > > [#|2009-07-12T15:59:52.218+1000|WARNING|sun-appserver2.1||_ThreadID=19;_ThreadName=p: > > > >> > > > >>>>>> thread-pool-1; w: > > > >> > > > > 3;6000;7280;;_RequestID=8940ea7e-e092-4d6d-8611-bea52f07358c;|"IOP00410229: > > > >> > > > >>>>>> (COMM_FAILURE) Blocking > read > > > failed, > > > >>>> expected to read additional > > > >>>>>> bytes:  max wait > time = > > > 6,000ms total > > > >> time > > > >>>> spent waiting = 7,280ms" > > > >> > > > > org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE:   vmcid: > > > SUN  minor code: 229 > > > >>>>>> completed: No at > > > >> > > > > > > > >> > > > >>>>>> at > > > >> > > > > > > > >> > > > >>>>>> at > > > >> > > > > > > > >> > > > >>>>>> at > > > >> > > > > > > > >> > > > >>>>>> at > > > >> > > > > > > > >> > > > >>>>>> at > > > >> > > > >$ > > > >> > > > >>>>>> |#] > > > >>>>>> > > > >>>>>> Regards, Dies > > > >>>>>> > > > >>>>>> > > > >>>>>> Adam Jenkins wrote: > > > >>>>>>> The issues are > > > >>>>>>> > > > >>>>>>> > > > > >>>>>>> > > > >>>>>> and > > > >>>>>> > > > > >>>>>>> The first one has a > netbeans > > > project > > > >> attached > > > >>>> that > > > >>>>>> reproduces things. > > > >>>>>>> Unfortunately > I'm not able to > > > point > > > >> you at the > > > >>>> source > > > >>>>>> (glassfish > > > >>>>>>> source) as I > don't know.  > > > It's > > > >> the > > > >>>> weekend here > > > >>>>>> at the moment, and I > > > >>>>>>> don't have to > start moving to > > > JBoss > > > >> until next > > > >>>> week so > > > >>>>>> I'm going to > > > >>>>>>> have an attempt at > checking > > > out the > > > >> glassfish > > > >>>> source > > > >>>>>> today and hoping > > > >>>>>>> for a miracle :) > > > > > > > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: > > > > For additional commands, e-mail: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ____________________________________________________________________________________ > > Access Yahoo!7 Mail on your mobile. 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