EJB 3 JNDI Lookup Wrapper Cast Exception

From: <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 11:35:44 PDT

Hello all,
If I deploy a simple interface with @Remote and a class that implements with @Stateful as an ejb3 into glassfish and then i try to access it by setting the System.setproperty for port and host then use the initial context to attempt to get the bean from a stand alone java application i keep getting cannot cast to CLASS_Wrapper exception. such as my interface is Car and my class is CarBean implements Car and i try to get
c.lookup("barnes.CarBean) I keep getting classCastException Car_Wrapper_Interface. I downloaded the j2ee 5 tutorial and deploy the cart jar to it and access it the same way it works. What am i missing?? Thanks in advance.
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