RE: RE: Re: Dissapointed

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 13:31:55 +0200



I was talking only about experiences with TopLink and EclipseLink, which both are Oracle but not Sun projects. So my experiences not necessarily hold true for Sun projects.


Certainly there is a test suite publicly available. The problem with TopLink's test suite is that it contains a lot of bad hacks. One would think that the test suite checks for the JPA API only. But this is not true. The test suite also contains a lot of assumptions which hold true for e. g. Oracle and MySQL, but maybe do not hold true for any other database: It is not a white box test, it is a black box test. So if you are adding support for new databases, you must tell the test whether the assumption is true or not. There are thousands of tests and the assumptions are directly programmed into each single test. You cannot configure it or switch configuration. You must really read all the code and modify lots of code lines. So the problem is NOT that there is no publicly available test suite, but that the test suite is messed up in part by lots of rather strange assumption which form the aspect of separations of concerns has not be done in the test but has to be done in some external code. But you cannot change this since it is a decision that Oracle did behind closed doors and I was clearly told that external opinions on the architecture are not wanted.


This does not mean that I will not contribute anymore, but it shows that it is much harder to provide a good contribution since the base is worse than one would expect and Oracle is not willing to even discuss architectural changes.





From: Haluk Durmus []
Sent: Sonntag, 12. Juli 2009 12:17
Subject: RE: Re: Dissapointed



I become a little bit unsure following your discussions.
I don't want to reliant on a solution which can be dead at any time ...

 In fact, I more or less gave up after one year on
contributing, after Oracle screwed my contribution for the sake of their
existing test suite that itself was buggy but nobody wanted to fix...
(they understood that my code was correct but their test suite was not,
but it was more essential that all tests are made green with the least
effort - which was to NOT fix the test suite but remove my features).

Isn't there a way to use the same testing suite, before sending contributes to sun ?
