Re: Integrating glassfish and jboss messaging using generic ra

From: <>
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2009 02:55:16 PDT

Create two files(ejb-jar,sun-ejb-jar) in "\requestMDB\src\conf" folder


<ejb-jar xmlns=""

                    Queue Conn factory where the message will be placed having been consumed.
The actual queue on the broker that the message is placed onto.
            <description>This value was set as a default by Sun ONE Studio.</description>
            <display-name>Destination for QueueConsumer</display-name>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sun-ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Application Server 8.1 EJB 2.1//EN" "">
Add the jars(from the jbosslib folder that we have created) to the project.

You can [b]create the responseMDB[/b] just like the above(Print the message contents in the "onMessage" method. Instead of "InQueue", use "OutQueue" in the xml's).

Now you may run the applications. Use the glassfish admin console to enable/disable the MDB's so that you can track the message flow.

[b]Running the applications.[/b]
1. Deploy all applications to glassfish.
2. Disable both MDB's using glassfish admin console.
3. Make sure that the jboss AS is running (http://<ip>:3000)
4. Run the application client.
5. Check the "MessageCount" for "InQueue" using the jboss AS console. (Should be 1)
6. Enable the requestMDB.
7. Check the "MessageCount" for "InQueue" using the jboss AS console. (Should be 0)
8. Check the "MessageCount" for "OutQueue" using the jboss AS console. (Should be 1)
9. Enable the responseMDB.
10. Check the "MessageCount" for "OutQueue" using the jboss AS console. (Should be 0)
11. Check the glassfish server logs for any errors/results.
12. Done dude. Start experimenting jboss and glassfish. Hell lot of exceptions is waiting for you ;)


1. Make use of glassfish server logs for errors/prints.
2. Install "HermesJMS" for tracking the queue messages( I can help you to configure this, just shoot).
3. Restarting glassfish can solve some issues.(My PL used to say "Restart is the mother of all solutions" :D )
4. Avoid spaces in folder names.
5. Configure/Run it one by one.

6. Instead of adding the jars to each project, you can try adding the jars to the glassfish classpath suffix(Though i have added the jars to my glassfish classpath suffix, the MDB throwed some "javax.resource.ResourceException: Failed to invoke" exception which i was not able to resolve []).

Adding the jars to the glassfish classpath suffix

(For Windows)
I have copied the jars to "C:/jbosslib" so that i can specify the following in my glassfish classpath suffix(The jars are separated with ';' ).

(For Linux)
I have copied the jars to "/usr/jboss/jboss-5.0.0.CR2/jbosslib" so that i can specify the following in my glassfish classpath suffix(The jars are separated with ':').


If you find anything confusing in this blog, please point it out and we can make this easier for others. Thanks :)
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