Re: glassfish remote connection error

From: <>
Date: Wed, 01 Jul 2009 08:09:02 PDT

(Are you using the built-in Java Web Start support for launching app clients? If so, I'm surprised that the placeholder in the first line is not replaced. The special GlassFish-provided servlet which handles Java Web Start launches should replace that.)

Anyway, some things to check:

1. Is your server behind a firewall or running a software firewall that might be blocking access to port 3700? Check the logs to see if any attempted accesses to 3700 are rejected.

2. Make sure that the remote system can resolve <<MY REAL IP>> to the correct numeric address. Check for any settings in the client's hosts file.

3. Use a traffic monitor (people seem to have good experiences with WireShark) on the client to make sure exactly which system the client is trying to contact.

- Tim
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