RE: Glassfish as FileServer is possible?

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 20:26:56 +0200



can you elaborate about what exactly you like to know? GlassFish is a Java EE server and you can do anything that Java EE can do. This includes file maniulation. But you need to understand that Java EE forbids some components, including EJBs, to directly using File API due to stability and security reasons. So do you like to know whether GlassFish is able to deal with files (yes it is, but it does not understand what a symbolic link is) or whether the Java EE specification allows this (no it does not and you should prevent touching file if portability and compliance is an issue).


Does that answer your question?





From: Ronaldo Rigoni ... []
Sent: Dienstag, 28. Juli 2009 19:20
Subject: Glassfish as FileServer is possible?


Hi all,
I have big JEE application, and i need provide a storage files in a webcontext application.
Actualy i am use a simbolic link on context/storage, and one weblistener mounts and umount the mount point and this link directs to mount point.
I can use another alternative in glassfish to optimize this process?


Ronaldo Rigoni
Desenvolvedor JEE
Ministério da Educação - CESPE