GF 2.1 Stalls during startup due to iiop issues

From: <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 00:30:13 PDT

Ok. I have a MacBook Pro that belongs to the company and I use it at work and home.
I have a default install of GF2.1 installed as par of NB6.5.1 and NB6.7 installs.
At work I have 3 dev servers for Web, App and DB.
Web, App run CentOS JDK 1.6 & GF2.1 DB just runs CentOS MySQL 5.4
Live system will have clustered Web, clustered App and clustered DB.

I have been working on a 3-tier system (Web-App-DB) at work and this requires an web component (JSF Backing Bean) talking to an EJB on the App server, which deals with JPA calls to the DB.

Because of the need for the JSF BB to talk to the remote EJB, I have used the standard "set some properties and then use them for an InitialContext(props) call" method because of EJB injection issues in JSF BB's.
This means that the BB uses a corba iiop property to talk to the remote app server.
You know the thing:
props.setProperty(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "iiop://" + host + ":" + port);
and the org.omg.CORBA.ORBBlahBlah stuff.

At work I normally deploy the WAR to the GF2.1 on the Web1 and the EJB to GF2.1 on App1.
Today I was fiddling about with JAX-RS and deployed the WAR to my local install GF2.1 for testing.
It all worked fine - all neato.

Then I took the MBPro home.

And now the local instance of GF2.1 simply won't finish it's startup sequence.
Checked the logs and of course it's the iiop calls to the remote GF2.1 App1 server which is not on my home network of course.
"Connection failure: socketType: IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT; hostname:; port: 3700"
Ton's of them.
Result: can't go to http://localhost:4848 or use asadmin.

Tried to asadmin stop-domain domain1.
Of course that wouldn't work because the domain hasn't started yet.
Can't run any asadmin commands for the same reason.
Thought about killing the process and fiddling about with the domain.xml to "undeploy" the offending app.
But this got me thinking.
Shouldn't GF startup in such a fashion that the 'admin' app is at least running so you can at least undeploy the offending app?
This would stop the taking-forever-to-timeout-and-die-you-[insert expletive here]-app stuff.

[Message sent by forum member 'kimscott' (kimscott)]