JRoR WAR deployment to GF3 fails

From: Hassan Schroeder <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 11:51:31 -0700

Relatively new to Glassfish and trying to deploy a WAR file to a GF3
(latest) server as the default app.

The deployment seems to succeed, but when I try to view it, the
browser only shows a 404. The logs don't show much interesting
(at least to me): here's the last three entries:

WebModule[] ServletContext.log():Rails init time: 21126ms|#]

WebModule[] ServletContext.log():Runtime 0 loaded|#]

WebModule[] ServletContext.log():Requests can now be processed|#]

:: which looks pretty unremarkable.

This same WAR file deploys fine on a Tomcat 6.0.20 server, and
the app even runs from its normal directory using the GF gem.

Not even sure what I should be looking at, so all suggestions are
welcome :-)

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------