problem starting domain

From: <>
Date: Wed, 03 Jun 2009 09:12:13 PDT

Running Sun Java System Application Server 8.1

A few days ago I changed the admin password used to log into the web-admin console (I changed it through the web-console). It worked fine. Then a couple of days later I needed to restart the domain - through the command prompt using asadmin. After stopping the domain, it would not start back up. We played around with asadmin options... like --user and --passwordfile and depending on the passwords in the passwordfile, we get two different errors. I'm not sure sure if one is further in the startup process than the other and is better to explore, but here they are:

[i]Starting Domain domain1, please wait.
Log redirected to ..../appserv8ee/domains/domain1/logs/server.log.
NSS password is invalid. Failed to authenticate to PKCS11 slot: internal
CLI156 Could not start the domain domain1.[/i]


[i]Starting Domain domain1, please wait.
Log redirected to ..../appserv8ee/domains/domain1/logs/server.log.
3-Jun-2009 12:05:13 PM doPasswordLogin
INFO: SEC5046: Audit: Authentication refused for [admin].
Login failed: Failed file login for admin.
CLI156 Could not start the domain domain1.[/i]

Any idea where to go from here? We've tried several suggestions we found online.

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