Re: Opera Unite x Embedded GF v3 ?

From: Felipe Gaúcho <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 13:49:55 +0200

they not even support PHP :) I guess it is only files sharing and
marketing, but anyway it is always good to be aware about other
products in the market, at least to have the counter-arguments ready

EJB ? no chance :)

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 1:41 PM, Martin Gainty<> wrote:
> depends on the JSP,Servlet and EJB spec that the
> container supports
> Saludos Cordiales,
> Martin
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>> Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 12:43:57 +0200
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: Opera Unite x Embedded GF v3 ?
>> question: with GF v3 do we can leverage the same functionality offered
>> by Opera Unite ??
>> better ? worse ?
>> some friends got excited about the new Opera product and my first
>> feeling was "oh, yeah.. the same as glassfish.. ".. but then I started
>> to have doubts :)
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