Re: Glassfish & Persistence API.

From: Hubert Le Van Gong <Hubert.Levangong_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 14:47:44 +0200

Hi Dies,

I do put the annotations
just prior the definition of the NamedQueries so I think it is fine.
Moreover, this issue only arises during the first call. All following
queries act appropriately.


On Jun 12, 2009, at 2:20 PM, Dies Koper wrote:

> Hi Hubert,
> I thought the abstract schema type in the FROM clause should be the
> entity name. In your example the entity name defaults to AccessToken
> while you have Acctoken in your queries.
> If you implicitly name your entity (@Entity(name="Acctoken")), won't
> that take care of the TOPLINK-8034 error?
> Regards,
> Dies
> Hubert Le Van Gong wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I have been working on a web application that I’m deploying using
>> Glassfish. The web app also
>> leverages the Jersey framework and the Java Persistence API to
>> store objects in a DB. For all this,
>> I’m using NetBeans tools to create a Persistence Unit and the
>> entities I have to manage
>> (from a DB schema). NetBeans also creates the appropriate mapping
>> of the entities and their
>> Java classes. For each entity, I end up with java classes that look
>> something like this:
>> @Entity
>> @Table(name = "ACCTOKEN")
>> @NamedQueries({_at_NamedQuery(name = "Acctoken.findAll", query =
>> "SELECT a FROM Acctoken a"),
>> @NamedQuery(name = "Acctoken.findById", query = "SELECT a FROM
>> Acctoken a WHERE = :id"),
>> @NamedQuery(name = "Acctoken.findByAcctUri", query = "SELECT a FROM
>> Acctoken a WHERE a.acctUri = :acctUri")
>> /... more queries .../ })
>> public class AccessToken implements Serializable { /.../ }
>> The code above compiles fine and I can deploy the generated war
>> file with Glassfish. However,
>> and this is where I could use suggestions from anyone, I see a
>> weird behaviour when hitting on
>> of the exposed endpoints:
>> The very first time I do a POST (or a GET), the web application
>> throws an exception that looks like:
>> Exception [TOPLINK-8034] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.0.1 (Build
>> b04-fcs (04/11/2008))):
>> oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.EJBQLException Exception
>> Description: Error compiling
>> the query [Acctoken.findByAcctVal: SELECT a FROM Acctoken a WHERE
>> a.acctVal = :acctVal].
>> Unknown abstract schema type [Acctoken]. at
>> oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.
>> EJBQLException.unknownAbstractSchemaType (
>> What’s funny is that this does not happen in any subsequent access
>> to those URLs, the web
>> app behaves properly. Because subsequent calls are fine I know the
>> mapping does happen
>> and is correct. I thus don’t really have to explicitly list the
>> classes in the persistence.xml file
>> and instead I have the <exclude-unlisted-classes>false</exclude-
>> unlisted-classes> tag.
>> However listing the classes will not help. I have verified this in
>> both Glassfish 2.2 and
>> Glassfish 3: same behaviour.
>> It really looks like Glassfish (what else?) adopts a “lazy”
>> approach for the mapping to happen
>> and is basically not ready for the 1st call. I already have the
>> <load-on-startup /> tag set in my
>> web.xml and this didn’t help.
>> Any idea what might cause this?
>> Hubert
>> --
>> Hubert A. Le Van Gong
>> Identity Architect
>> Sun microsystems, Inc.
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Hubert A. Le Van Gong
Identity Architect
Sun microsystems, Inc.
17 Rue Duprey
Grenoble, 38000
email: hubert.levangong_at_sun.COM
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