Re: RE: How to add another JMSRA connector ?

From: <>
Date: Mon, 04 May 2009 23:36:57 PDT


I need 2 jmsra connector because we have a cluster based deployment.
In this context, the JMS service for jmsra is unique - either LOCAL or REMOTE.
But we need the REMOTE deployment as we want benefit from the Enhanced JMS HA Cluster - this is the sole solution for this - the default autoclustering feature is not sufficient in term of HA. (Chapter 8 of 2.1 HA Guide)

On one project anyway, many clusters (so with REMOTE jms service) connect to one UNIQUE queue on a broker that they filter with a SELECTOR. - A schema would be simplier -:) !.

So all the clusters should reach this unique queue by a REMOTE jms service - but we already use the JMS service for cluster queues.

A bit complex - i'm sorry ...
Thanks for your answer,
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