Re: MDB stops receiving messages

From: Per Steffensen <>
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 08:27:38 +0200


I have also noticed some log lines in server.log containing "state
Illegal state". Dont know it that could have something to do with the

Regards, Per Steffensen

Per Steffensen skrev:
> Hi
> I think there is something strange in the activemq.log. I think it is
> alitle strange that the log shows that all the "test10" messages are
> sent to Glassfish, almost without any commits from Glassfish. After
> that thousands of commits comes almost at the same time. This would
> mean that Glassfish at some point of time has thousands of open
> transactions with Active MQ.
> I have tried the scenario a few times now, and I see some kind of a
> pattern. Often I post 2000 messages at first. They are all processed
> by Glassfish with succes. Then if I post another 1000 messages non or
> only a few of them are processed. It is like the problem comes when
> there has been a high load, and it goes down to zero.
> I have tried to run the scenario again with FINEST on JTS and JTA. It
> gave the attached server.log. This time I posted 2000 "test15"
> messages - they where all processed. Then I posted 1000 "test16"
> messages - none of them where processed. The attached server.log only
> covers the last "test15" messages, and everything that happens after
> they have been processed. So it might reveal something about why it
> will not receive the "test16" messages.
> Will you please try if you can recreate the problem on your machine?
> It should not be that hard. Just setup resources as I did, make a
> UserHandlerMDB that does nothing but log the recieved messages, use my
> sun-ejb-jar.xml, and use the same versions of Glassfish, ActiveMQ etc.
> Guess that Glassfish should support ActiveMQ, since it is a heavly
> used message-queue.
> Regards, Per Steffensen
> Ramesh wrote:
>> Hi Per,
>> Nothing obvious in the logs, so looks like a tricky issue to
>> debug. Turning on FINE loging for transaction (jts , jta) in
>> GlassFish might give more clues. GlassFish works well with OpenMQ,
>> WSMQ, Seebeyond MQ, Sonic MQ and Jboss messaging, and i have not seen
>> this issue in any of those.
>> Could it be something to do with the connection with ActiveMQ, is
>> there a certain time duration after which it stops consuming, i saw
>> tthere was an InactivityTimer in ActiveMQ, but not sure what its used
>> for.
>> Thanks
>> -Ramesh
>> Per Steffensen wrote:
>>> Hi Ramesh
>>> Did you look further into this problem today?
>>> Anyone else?
>>> Regards, Per Steffensen
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