Glassfish Enterprise Server v2.1
JDK 1.6.0_11-b03 (bundled)
Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 4.3 (Build 7-g)
Windows XP SP3
Following the documentation in Chapter 1 of the Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Administration Guide[1] I used the MQ Admin Console SWING tool to create an ObjectStore with the following properties:
java.naming.provider.url - file:///C:/imq_admin_objects
java.naming.factory.initial - com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
In that object store I created six destinations (3 Queues and 3 Topics) along with one connection factory.
I also used the Admin Console to create one Broker with host set to localhost and primary port set to 7676. Within that broker I created 6 physical destination for the destinations I created in the object store.
In the Glassfish administration console under Configuration -> Java Message Service -> JMS Hosts -> Physical Destinations none of the ones I created in the Broker using the MQ Admin console were visible. I suspected this was due to the fact that GF needs the naming properties I set when I created the ObjectStore with the MQ Admin console so I set them under Configuration -> Java Message Service : Additional Properties. When I did that and restarted the domain the physical destinations I created with the MQ Admin console now showed up in the GF admin console's Physical Destinations section.
However, the ConnectionFactory and Destinations I created in the ObjectStore do not show up in the GF Admin console's Resources -> JMS Resources -> Connection Factories and Resources -> JMS Resources -> Destination Resources respectively. I suspect this is also a case of needing to feed some properties to the domain somewhere but I don't see an obvious place to do so. Nor am I sure what they should be since they need to be scoped to the JMS resource but simply adding a property like java.naming.factory.initial to a more global scope then one affecting only JMS would be 'a bad thing'.
FWIW the GF Enterprise Server 2.1 Administration Guide [2], Chapter 4 - Configuring Java Message Service Resources does not touch on this subject either.
Additionally, I feel like I should be able to do everything I can do with the MQ Admin console in the GF admin console but it is not apparent how to or if it is even possible.
[Message sent by forum member 'emailnbw' (emailnbw)]