Re: In-memory replication not working in multi-node configuration

From: <>
Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 02:57:01 PDT

Anyone an idea how to diagnose the problem?

 To give a few more details, here's how I create the cluster:

*** On Machine 1 (Solaris 10/sparc - Zone) ***

asadmin create-node-agent --host machine1 --port 4848 spi-agent-machine1

asadmin create-cluster --host machine1 --port 4848 spi-cluster

asadmin create-instance --host machine1 --port 4848 --nodeagent spi-agent-machine1 --cluster spi-cluster spi-instance-machine1

asadmin start-node-agent --syncinstances=true spi-agent-machine1

*** On Machine 2 (also Solaris 10/sparc Zone) ***

asadmin create-node-agent --host machine1 --port 4848 spi-agent-machine2

asadmin create-instance --host machine1 --port 4848 --nodeagent spi-agent-machine2 --cluster spi-cluster spi-instance-machine2

asadmin start-node-agent spi-agent-machine2

*** Again on machine 1 ***

asadmin deploy --user admin --target spi-cluster --availabilityenabled=true /opt/SUNWappserver/samples/ee-samples/highavailability/apps/clusterjsp/clusterjsp.ear

The ear gets deployed to both machines but the in-memory replication fails at Jxta-Level.
[Message sent by forum member 'mobiwan' (mobiwan)]