Re: MDB stops receiving messages

From: Ramesh <Ramesh.Parthasarathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 20:20:33 +0530

Could you attach the server.log, i noticed you have configured generic
ra log level to FINEST.
Also, please try to configure debug log level in Active MQ to find out
if there is an issue.


Per Steffensen wrote:
> Hi
> I have tried to find a pattern. I cant find any. Sometimes the MDB
> stops receiving messages after a few messages, sometimes it is after
> several thousands of messages. If you restart the application server
> the MDB will receive message again - for a while.
> In my initial setup the MDB was actually doing something meaningfull
> with the messages. The messages were sent by JMeter.
> But I have been narrowing it down:
> - I have changed the MDB.onMessage to do nothing but to log the
> content of the message.
> - I just send 2000 messages using the Active MQ console. All of the
> messages are simple, they just contain the text "test".
> - The problem still exists. Some of the "test" messages are received
> by the MDB and written to the log. But after a while the MDB stops
> receiving messages.
> The only log I can find in my Active MQ installation is
> <activemq-install>/data/activemq.log. It only contains logs from
> startup and closedown of the MQ. Maybe I can see more log information
> in another log, or maybe I can change the log level? Anyone? But as it
> is right now there is no messages in the activemq.log about my problem.
> I have tried to make the following changes:
> Resources set up using (change: SupportsXA=false instead of
> SupportXA=true):
> $GLASSFISH_INSTALL/bin/asadmin deploy genericra.rar
> $GLASSFISH_INSTALL/bin/adadmin create-resource-adapter-config
> --property
> SupportsXA=false:RMPolicy=OnePerPhysicalConnection:ProviderIntegrationMode=javabean:ConnectionFactoryClassName=org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory:QueueConnectionFactoryClassName=org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory:TopicConnectionFactoryClassName=org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory:XAConnectionFactoryClassName=org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory:XAQueueConnectionFactoryClassName=org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory:XATopicConnectionFactoryClassName=org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory:UnifiedDestinationClassName=org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQDestination:QueueClassName=org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQQueue:TopicClassName=org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQTopic:ConnectionFactoryProperties=brokerURL\\=tcp\\://$ACTIVEMQ_HOST\\:$ACTIVEMQ_PORT:LogLevel=FINE
> genericra
> MDB looks like this (change: TransactionManagementType.BEAN instead of
> TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER):
> @TransactionManagement(TransactionManagementType.BEAN)
> @MessageDriven(name = "UserHandlerMDB"
> // ,activationConfig = { }
> )
> public class UserHandlerMDB implements MessageListener
> {
> public void onMessage(Message arg0) {
> ...
> }
> }
> Now, without XA, the problem seems to be gone. I have run 5000 "test"
> messages through the system, without any problems. That I have never
> done using the XA setup.
> But I want to use XA, so what do I do???
> Regards, Per Steffensen
> ----- Ramesh wrote ---------
> Hi Per,
> Is there a pattern to this, i mean does it stop every time after a
> certain number of messages are consumed ?
> What is the size of the messages ?
> Could you turn off XA (SupportsXA=false, and no transaction in MDB
> method) and try the same use case, this would help us narrow down the
> issue.
> Are there any errors/messages in the ActiveMQ log.
> Thanks
> -Ramesh
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