RE: Question about caching

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 14:01:39 -0400

Hello Peter
check the attributes for element 'cache' element in sun-web.xml specifically

max-entries 4096 //MORE THAN 1 !
(optional) Specifies the maximum number of entries the cache can contain. Must be a positive integer.

timeout-in-seconds 30 //if its too low the elements wont be cached
(optional) Specifies the maximum amount of time in seconds that an entry can remain in the cache after it is created or refreshed. Can be overridden by a timeout element.

enabled true //MUST be set to bool true
  <cache max-entries="4096" timeout-in-seconds="600" enabled="true">

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> Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 09:58:42 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Question about caching
> Hi Folks,
> I dont really understand how glassfish's cache works. I've got 2 webservices (Axis2) (getVideosByGenreIds and getTracksByGenreIds) the signatures are the same for them. The related mappings in sun-web.xml are:
> <cache-mapping>
> <timeout>86400</timeout>
> <url-pattern>/services/MediaService/getTracksByGenreIds/*</url-pattern>
> <key-field name='startPage' scope='request.parameter'>
> </key-field>
> <key-field name='genresIds' scope='request.parameter'>
> </key-field>
> <key-field name='maxResults' scope='request.parameter'>
> </key-field>
> <key-field name='orderByColumn' scope='request.parameter'>
> </key-field>
> <key-field name='orderByDir' scope='request.parameter'>
> </key-field>
> </cache-mapping>
> and
> <cache-mapping>
> <timeout>86400</timeout>
> <url-pattern>/services/MediaService/getVideosByGenreIds/*</url-pattern>
> <key-field name='startPage' scope='request.parameter'>
> </key-field>
> <key-field name='groupIds' scope='request.parameter'>
> </key-field>
> <key-field name='maxResults' scope='request.parameter'>
> </key-field>
> <key-field name='orderByColumn' scope='request.parameter'>
> </key-field>
> <key-field name='orderByDir' scope='request.parameter'>
> </key-field>
> <key-field name='recursive' scope='request.parameter'>
> </key-field>
> </cache-mapping>
> So I suppose that all these 2 webservices should be cached by Glassfish, but I dont know why only getTracksByGenreIds is cached, getting the other one's result takes much time (the response's size is 10K)
> I'm not familiar with Galssfish, I thought that when I set a cache mapping for an url pattern and the result becomes cached and when the next request is arriving the result xml is served for it from cache(without any calculating or any backend process executing).
> Could you please help me or explain me what the rules of caching are or what the caching mechanism is or what wrong with my sun-web-xml is?
> All Best,
> Peter
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