RE: Need advice

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 21:55:57 -0400

Accessing the Sun Java System Application Server/GlassFish Admin Console

The instance node for the Sun Java System Application Server/GlassFish in the IDE Services window provides a subset of the functions found in the Admin Console of the Sun Java System Application Server/GlassFish.
You can manage server resources through the instance node in the IDE or
by using the Sun Java System Application Server Admin Console.
To access the Sun Java System Application Server/GlassFish Admin Console:
Make sure the Sun Java System Application Server/GlassFish is running.
(Denoted by the running badge ( ) next to the server's node in the Services window.)
Right-click the server instance node and choose View Admin Console.
The login screen for the Admin Console launches in your browser.
After you log in, you can see that the options on the left are similar to those in the Services window in the IDE.
To access the Admin Console, you are required to log in as the server administrator. The default username is admin. Unless the password has been changed, the default password is admin.
When you manage resources directly through the Admin Console, the resources are not directly associated with your project.

Help documentation from NB 6.5.1
Martin Gainty
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> Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 18:35:53 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Need advice
> Just remember that you cannot start or stop the server from inside NB....
> Another choice is to start the server from outside the IDE and register the server as a REMOTE domain (even though it is 'local').
> This will help prevent you from stopping/starting the server from inside NB and prevent the stop on shutdown behavior...
> vbk
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