Re: Stateless session beans unusable after Toplink exception

From: <>
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 14:13:07 PDT


thanks for your answer.
Sorry, my statement was a little confusing. There are no redelivery attempts.

Say we have one bean that does insert an object into the DB. Under normal circumstances it inserts an object and everything is fine. If I insert 100 objects in turn and all is fine I do not see 100 instances of that bean in the class histogram, only one or two.
Now I try to insert 10 other objects and there are e.g. 10 EntityExistsException. The Exceptions are thrown and shown in the logfile and there are no redelivery attempts. If I look at the class histogram now there are 10 instances of that bean. These stay around forever and I don't know how to get rid of them.

I hope I explained it better now. :)

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