i am using glassfish v2.1 with netbeans 6.5.1 on vista sp1...but whenever i installed netbeans6.51 it tried to install glassfishv2.1 as it comes with the IDE.but ever till now it fails to start glassfish of any version from IDE or from services or anything.i tried lot and become fed up totally...
Whenever i tried to start from netbeans it gives a dilogbox comes and saying to check with a command netstat -a;but i am 100% confirm with the fact that their is no conflict with any server .....
bcoz tomcat 5.5 running on ->21000 port
tomcat 6.0.18 running on 8443 port
mysql accessing 3306 port
sql server accessing its default port.
on installation of glassfish the conflict was avoided completely because all other things are loaded before it.
May i know the reason behind it???help me anyway..................[b][/b][b][/b]
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