Re: JSP's stored in WEB-INF

From: Wolfram Rittmeyer <>
Date: Sat, 16 May 2009 16:21:51 +0200

coreyharden wrote:
> Hello, I have stored the jsp files for my web app inside the WEB-INF/jsp
> folder. This configuration is preventing me from accessing the images that
> I have stored inside my docroot. I have tried placing the images folder
> inside the docroot and also inside of the WEB-INF folder, both of which were
> unsuccessful. The only way I'm able to access the images is if I move my
> jsp's outside of the WEB-INF folder with the images folder. This is
> becoming a real problem... is there any way to leave the jsp's inside the
> WEB-INF folder and still access the images?

Hm, this is very strange. I am using JSPs in WEB-INF and images in
docroot and it works very well. Actually this is the common way to do
things so I wonder what happens in your case.

Could you please send us an example JSP and your folder structure? Or
even better a war file that proves your point? Also it would be good to
tell us the version of GlassFish you are using (you can find out which
version you are using in the admin console clicking on the "version"
button at the top of the screen).

Wolfram Rittmeyer