Re: GlassFish does not start up without any message

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 04 May 2009 09:12:48 -0500

Sahoo's advice is very good.

In addition, I have seen similar cryptic messages when GlassFish cannot
find a class during start-up - it displays the class name but not much more.

Did GlassFish used to start normally at this customer site? If so, what
might have changed in the environment?

That class - javax.crypto.SealedObject - should be in the jce.jar in the
JRE's lib directory.

- Tim

Sahoo wrote:
> Run asadmin start-domain --verbose=true and see if there is any more
> info in the console.
> If it still hangs, run jstack <pid> and see if the thread stack
> reveals anything.
> Sahoo
> Markus Karg wrote:
>> At a customer site we cannot start GlassFish v2ur2. When doing
>> "asadmin start-domain domain1", it says that logging is piped to
>> server.log (as usual), then prints "javax/crypto/SealedObject" and
>> stops the JVM. No log file is created at all. Very strange.
>> Any ideas?
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