Glassfish - Reload WebModule using JMX

From: <>
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 05:33:51 PDT

 I've found this article:
where the author describes how to reload (not stop/start but reload()) a WebModule.
 I'd love to use this feature (or stop/start, doesn't matter actually) on my WebModule in my EAR, but somehow it doesn't work.
 The web module is a spring app, and it reloads fine (invoking the reload() method causes Spring to reload according to my logfiles), but looks like the classes are not reloaded (I've tried to change some simple things in a controller).
 Any ideas why? AFAIK gf (2.1) is using a ClassLoader per web module so..
 Touching a .reload file in the root of the exploded EAR reloads the whole app, but I'd prefer to avoid this. (a .reload file in the webmodule_war subdirectory doesn't do anything, unfortunately). Any ideas?
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