Re: Server log

From: Wolfram Rittmeyer <>
Date: Wed, 06 May 2009 21:47:50 +0200 wrote:
> Hi thread,
> Can anyone tell me how I can change the format of the server log - NOT the access log. I am using myEclipse and have setup a console appender in log4j which we use. But there is a long header portion in the glassfish log that prints out for every line I log such as:
> May 6, 2009 8:37:15 AM com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.SystemOutandErrHandler$LoggingByteArrayOutputStream flush
> INFO: 2009-05-06 08:37:15,558 [pool-1-thread-7] DEBUG org.bcbsri.common.utils.config.ConfigFile - getProperties, filename=...
> The portion all the way up to INFO
> May 6, 2009 8:37:15 AM com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.SystemOutandErrHandler$LoggingByteArrayOutputStream flush

You should disable logging to sysout in your or
log4j.xml. What you see here is the logging of GlassFish of content that
is sent to System.out - and this is everything that is logged using the
ConsoleAppender. The same applies to System.err (also used by the
ConsoleAppender for exceptions).

When you use file-based logging only everything should be fine - though
of course those log entries will not be visible in the file server.log.

Wolfram Rittmeyer