glassfish croaks

From: Martin, Ray <>
Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 15:06:16 -0400

I have three JBI service assemblies running in two Glassfish instances.
Two service assemblies are running in one Glassfish node on Windows, the
third service assembly is running in a Glassfish node on Linux.
The first service assembly commands the second service assembly,
receives a response, then the first service assembly commands the third
service assembly and receives a response. Everything appears to have
worked - but, in reality the Glassfish containing the third service
assembly has died. The logs do not show anything. I have lots of log
messages in attempt to find the problem, but i have no clue.
The third service assembly is running a JNI application - which loads
and operates just fine - the output has been stored to the database.
Everything appears to be peachy except the Glassfish is dead.
Does anyone know how i might get a handle on this problem?