On 4/22/09 5:41 AM, glassfish_at_javadesktop.org wrote:
> Hello !
> Yes, I use Glassfish promoted (Glassfish V3 preview b45) and NetBeans 6.7 M3 on Mac OSX with Java 6.
Same for me, latest build gf does not work.
> I used the .zip distribution for Glassfish and because Glassfish V3 isn’t recognized (only Prelude is recognized) in NetBeans at the beginning, I added
> -J-Dorg.glassfish.v3ee6.installRoot=/opt/sun/glassfishv3
> in etc/netbeans.conf
> Glassfish V3 works well outside Netbeans, but when I wanted to add Glassfish V3 in NetBeans the default Domain (Domain1) wasn’t recognized.
> I destroyed the Domain1 and I let Netbeans create a new Domain and that works well.
> Patrick Champion
> http://blogexpertease.alti.com/index.php?user=pchampion
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