HTTP Service Dotted Names Changing for v3

From: <June.Parks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 13:02:34 -0700

 The HTTP service configuration of GlassFish v2 is being changed in v3
to a generic network configuration that can support other protocols in
addition to HTTP. Existing asadmin commands such as
create-http-listener will remain unchanged. However, dotted names used
in the asadmin set, get, and list commands will be different. For
example, here are the v2 and v3 ways of setting a listener port compared:

asadmin set

asadmin set

The GlassFish development team would like to gauge the impact that these
dotted name changes will have on the user community. If these changes
will strongly affect you, for example if you have scripts that make
extensive use of http-service dotted names, please let us know.

June Parks
GlassFish Documentation