You could increase the max-pool-size and steady-pool-size of the jdbc connection pool. Before that, could you post your jdbc connection pool configuration from the domain.xml?
- Do you see any exceptions in the server.log prior to this crash?
- Does your application leak any connections? This could be tested by setting the connection-leak-timeout-in-seconds attribute to a value. If there are any leaks, exceptions are logged in the server.log.
- Please enable connection validation if not already done so. This would validate the connections before being given to the application.
- Which version of GlassFish are you using? asadmin version --verbose would help.
If it is 9.1, the logging of connector and resource-adapter to FINE and check the server.log for any exceptions you might have missed.
[Message sent by forum member 'sm157516' (sm157516)]