Re: Virtual Servers not working correctly on Glassfish

From: <>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 13:16:14 PDT

OK I believe I understand what you are saying, but it is a tad confusing. I supposed I still don't understand WHY you would want to set your virtual server in one place vs the other (or both?) at virtual server and web module locations?

From your example, it sounds like if you add something on the Virtual Server as a default web module, it SHOULD be available in both the root of the virtual server DNS name, and also the full context path. This again is still not the behavior I'm seeing though with my particular webapp though. It's ONLY allowing it to be available at the full context path. If you go to the root of the virtual server DNS name, it still just goes to whatever is the default virtual server listed for that http listener, completely bypassing the webapp it it set to go to. I've tried every which way I can to redo the webapp, have completely reinstalled glassfish from scratch, tried again, and same behavior persists. I'm not sure if I've mentioned, but I have several other webapps on this webserver configured in the exact same way, and they are performing this behavior just fine, it's just this one particular webapp causing this issue, and feel that I've tried about everything.. At times it's also intermittent, will work for a brief time, then make one little change to another webapp, and makes this one stop working(?)

I also went ahead & tried removing the virtual server from having any default web module as you said, and instead set the web module itself to point to the virtual server to see if that changed behaviors. Restarted Glassfish. It did not help at all, exact same behavior persists. I then tried setting at BOTH places - at the webapp level and virtual server level (is there a reason you would ever want to do this? Still am confused about WHY you would set this at two different places). Still same behavior, the DNS name in the virtual server host name will not forward to the webapp correctly. I know my DNS management well also, and know it is working correctly, and can actually see in server.log that glassfish is recognizing that the DNS name is coming through and marks as such in the log file. Still it just will not forwarding to the appropriate webapp.

Anyone have any clues or run across anything like this before in glassfish? It is really driving my mind crazy. I can move this same webapp over to a Tomcat server and setup the virtual server in server.xml, change DNS to point it, and all works fine. So really seems something to do with Glassfish, and perhaps it's a bug, but feel like I'm just not doing the "trick" quite right.

Thanks much for the helpfulness on this topic,
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