Re: Deploy war in Glassfish

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 12:25:58 -0400

Hi, Selvakumar
   I think the error you got with placing the jars in domains/domain/lib
is something different. It's probably has something to do with different
version of the same class is already packaged in the server. People
from web team might have more details on this..

 - Hong
> thanks for ur reply...I already tried the way that you said...when i
> put the jar files in domains/domain/lib folder i didn't get any servlet
> classnotfound exception but i got NoSuchMethod Error emptyIterator() this
> method present in commons-collections...In my code i'm using
> commons-collections and commons-logging jars of apache...I dont know why its
> throw this error when the method present in the class. So i just look the
> deploy screen on the Glassfiah Admin Console where i found "Specify relative
> paths relative to instance-root/lib/applibs." thats why i tried to put all
> my jars to applibs folder.
> But still i've doubt where we keep our libraries in glassfish
> glassfish/lib or glassfish/domains/domain/lib or
> glassfish/domains/domain/lib/ext or glassfish/domains/domain/lib/applibs