Re: Deploy war in Glassfish

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 11:14:15 -0400

Hi, Selvakumar
> I've successfully deployed the war files when having lib itself. Each
> war file has 10mb size, for the purpose of reducing the war file size i just
> removed the webinf/lib folder from war and put these lib jar files in
> domain1/glassfish/lib/applibs folder and tried to deploy.
(I think you meant domains/domain1/lib/applibs?)
This directory is for placing the library jars referred in the
--libraries option in deploy command. For example if you have foo.jar
and bar.jar in this directory you want to be used in your myApp.war, you
will do something like:
asadmin deploy --libraries foo.jar:bar.jar myApp.war

Alternatively you can put your jars in the domains/domain/lib, here the
jars will be picked up without you specifying them explicitly in the
deploy command. But the jars placing in this directory will be visible
to all applications in this domain.

- Hong
> Its deployed but
> in the domain log i'm getting BlockingServlet, FileUploadServlet, and
> PersistentFacesServlet Class Notfound exception... These servlet files are
> comes with the ice faces jars.
> Please help me to fix this problem also suggest me to where i've to keep the
> libaray jar files in glassfish.