RE: Dependency injection - when to clean up injected resources?

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 09:11:49 -0400

Good Morning Mark

The activation/passivation times are managed by container attributes in your domain.xml e.g:

   <ejb-container steady-pool-size="0" pool-resize-quantity="8" max-pool-size="32" cache-resize-quantity="32" max-cache-size="512" pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds="600" cache-idle-timeout-in-seconds="600" removal-timeout-in-seconds="5400" victim-selection-policy="nru" commit-option="B" session-store="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/session-store">

the most cogent attribute is removal-timeout-in-seconds

Specifies the amount of time a bean instance can remain
idle in the container before it is removed (timeout). A value of 0
specifies that the container does not remove inactive beans automatically.
The default value is 5400.

If removal-timeout-in-seconds is less than
or equal to cache-idle-timeout-in-seconds, beans
are removed immediately without being passivated.

(Applies to stateful session beans)

Let us know if this information addresses the situation you are experiencing
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> Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2009 17:07:14 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Dependency injection - when to clean up injected resources?
> This feels like a newbie question - but it seems like this is a friendly
> group, and I've read through all of the specs and faqs and plenty of
> examples and I have been unable to find a solid answer here.
> Most examples of dependency injection do not clean up the injected
> resources. Whether DataSource, EntityManager, or EJB. The resource is
> injected, it is used, and resources allocated from it (like a Connection
> from a DataSource) are cleaned up, but the injected resource itself is
> not cleaned up.
> My assumption has been that these resources are safe to leave around.
> That is, they're only taking up memory which is the job of the garbage
> collector to deal with. They're not tying up any resources. In some
> cases like EntityManager or a UserTransaction, the container will always
> clean up any non-memory references held after the business method
> returns when the transaction is committed or rolled back.
> This conclusion sat well with me until I started looking into the use of
> stateful session beans.
> For stateless session beans, my understanding is that the container
> manages a pool that is only assigned when a method is invoked, and added
> back to the pool when done, so I think stateless session beans are safe
> to never explicitly remove.
> For stateful session beans, however, nothing in the spec seems to
> suggest to me that it will automatically run the @Remove method on a
> stateful session bean. But, in many of the examples I find, including
> ones on "official" sites like openejb, they eject a new stateful session
> bean into the client object and then never remove it. Does this not lead
> to the container having stale EJB sessions lying around, perhaps
> passivated? If invoked 1 million times, does this leave 1 million
> sessions being managed by the container but not being referenced by any
> client? Should these examples be corrected?
> What is the best place to do this cleanup? Should @PostDestroy method on
> the object receiving the injection be explicitly running the @Remove
> method on all injected stateful session beans (assuming they are not
> being saved for later user)?
> What about JSF managed beans that inject using @EJB? Should they also
> remove all stateful session beans from the @PostDestroy method?
> Are there other dependency injected objects that require explicit
> cleanup during @PostDestroy?
> Thanks for any help in clearing me up on this.
> Cheers,
> mark
> P.S. I am a happy GlassFish user - hoping Oracle keeps it around.
> --
> Mark Mielke <>
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