Need help in cleaning up Cargo support for GlassFish...

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2009 11:33:56 -0700

Cargo 1.0 finally got out but it did not lists GlassFish as a supported
container. We actually have the code to do that for GFv2 (courtesy of
Kohsuke) and it should not be hard to make it work for GFv3, but there
are a few things missing before it can be checked into Cargo 1.0. These
things are easy: documentation, code formating, but all our core
developers are focused in our JavaOne deliverables.

If you are interested in helping, please post in this thread at, or drop me an email (pelegri at sun dot com).

Thanks for your help,

      - eduard/o