how to serve files ?

From: Felipe Gaúcho <>
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 20:22:20 +0200

I have this application that will manipulate a lot of static contents
stored in the filesystem.. so I can give the access exposing its path
on the web or using a JackRabbit-like content repository...

Before I start to dig in the traditional alternatives, let me ask if
Glassfish has some special support for it and - if not - what would be
a very nice solution for that...

example use-case:

1) a manager generate the conference certificate for a conference
attendee and send it to the server
2) the server stores the PDF document "somewhere"
3) the conference attendee accesses a URL to retrieve its document.

If the conference has a thousand attendees, it means 1 thousand PDF
files, etc.........

Please help to test this application: