Re: Jersey or Servlet ?

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 12:00:34 +0200

On Mar 31, 2009, at 7:33 PM, Felipe Gaścho wrote:

>> Just leverage a simple lookup pattern in your code. Later, when we
>> get injection, you can update your lookup code to simply return the
>> injected resources. Simple.
> yes, I will wait and pray for that.. I am having a great joy in the
> server side coding personal projects like cejug-classifieds:
> I am pretty adictive to EJB 3 + JMS (specially JMS - the masterpiece
> of JavaEE) + JPA + etc...
> the first trial of the incoming footprint-service is online:
> I confess I could put it online in less than 20 minutes.. a good
> start...


> I will bet on Jersey.. and I hope it provides injection of my
> component very soon.. than I finally will have my bread and my butter
> together :) eheh
> * it is a second dream on the stack since I am desperate looking for a
> complete Glassfish V3 + EJB 3.1

The latest Glassfish v3 promoted build has EJB 3.1 support for no-
interface view beans deployed the war.
