Re: Why is exploded deployment not recommended in production?

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 11:24:17 -0400

Ludovic Champenois wrote:
> On 4/20/09 7:48 AM, Weden Jason-RWC467 wrote:
>> In the official glassfish docs, it says the following about the
>> "deploydir" command which is used for directory-based (exploded)
>> deployment:
>> <>
>> /"Directory deployment is for advanced developers only. Do not use it
>> in production environments. In production environments, use the
>> deploy command." /
>> Why is this not recommended for production? Is there a performance
>> penalty?
> Not at all...But this directory ( that can be anywhere on disk) is own
> by you the developer, so it could be deleted or modified without the
> App server knowledge...
> Deploying an archive is more manageable in terms of application
> "ownership" and control.
> Ludo
GlassFish explodes all archives when you deploy them, but under