Re: Why is exploded deployment not recommended in production?

From: Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 08:12:16 -0700

On 4/20/09 7:48 AM, Weden Jason-RWC467 wrote:
> In the official glassfish docs, it says the following about the
> "deploydir" command which is used for directory-based (exploded)
> deployment:
> <>
> /"Directory deployment is for advanced developers only. Do not use it
> in production environments. In production environments, use the deploy
> command." /
> Why is this not recommended for production? Is there a performance
> penalty?
Not at all...But this directory ( that can be anywhere on disk) is own
by you the developer, so it could be deleted or modified without the App
server knowledge...
Deploying an archive is more manageable in terms of application
"ownership" and control.
> Regards,
> Jason Weden
> FTTP AXSVision Software Development
> Access Networks, Home and Networks Mobility
> Motorola, Inc.
> 978-614-3182